Destiny Promoters Cooperative is a christian non-governmental empowerment organization, an affiliates of Destiny Promoters evangelical outreach. Saddled with the responsibilities of empowering individuals and communities to break free from the life of poverty and dependence, and to have access to financial stability, abundant food, safe and comfortable housing, high quality education and skills training for self-growth and development.
We are not a financial institution but, a collaborative community of individuals, we combine and harness our resources to drive meaningful changes in our lives and others, enhance livelihood, build a brighter future and support kingdom-focused initiatives.
Destiny Promoters Cooperative is a christian non-governmental empowerment organization that provides a secure and accessible savings platform through a culture of thrift.
To become a member, a non-refundable empowerment registration fee of three thousand naira (N3, 000.00) is required.
After registration, contribute one thousand five hundred naira (N1, 500.00) naira weekly as a member, for fifty (50) or twenty-five (25) or thirteen (13) weeks depending on your choice of plan.
Your matured contribution for 50weeks will amount to seventy five thousand naira (N75, 000.00) but you will be empowered with the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand naira (N150, 000.00) and foodstuffs/ household items incentives to support and enhance your livelihood after the 50weeks of contribution.
However; you will be expected to uphold the sustenance of the cooperative by bringing at least one active person/member within the 1st – 25th weeks of becoming a member depending on your plan, and this will qualify you for the monetary (N150,000.00) and foodstuffs incentives empowerment.
Click on the sign up button, pay the sum of N3,000.00 into the registration account number, and upload proof of payment on the platform and the admin personnel will review it within 24-48hours.
The number of accounts per mrmber is unlimited but, accounts above 60 runs a specialised contribution plan, owners of such accounts, don't pay their contribution instalmentally but outrightly either monthly, quaterly, half-yearly or yearly depending on the number of accounts.